Saturday, April 28, 2007

Out with the old...

Continuing on with the theme of 'new', we've got some more changes to share. We replaced the garage door and opener. Not only that, but we cleared out the garage to the point that - yes indeed - the Pilot fits inside! We are now 1 of 347 families in Florida who can actually get their car in the garage.

We also began work on the master bath. We've had issues for years - cracks, repairing the cracks, having it inspected for termites - always getting a runaround. Yesterday as our contractor broke tile back from the wall it became clear that we had all the evidence we needed to show the pest company that we did indeed have termite damage. Inspectors came out and gathered plenty of stuff. We'll hear Monday what they're going to cover.

Long story short - our makeover should be covered!

Not to worry - we inspected the rest of the house, and the termites were clearly gone for some time, and they were just located in that area.

Here are a few shots of the work in progress.

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